Reliable Transfers
Quick and Secure Money Transfers to Bangladesh
Online Money Transfer
Our online money transfer service allows you to send funds to Bangladesh quickly and securely, with zero fees on your first transfer. Enjoy an efficient and user-friendly platform that ensures your money reaches its destination safely and accurately.
Mobile Wallet Integration
Al Ayat Exchange offers seamless integration with mobile wallets like Bkash and Nagad, allowing users to send money directly to mobile accounts in Bangladesh. This service provides flexibility and convenience, making it easy for recipients to access their funds anytime and anywhere.
24/7 Support
Our dedicated customer support team is available 24/7 to help with any inquiries or issues during your money transfer process. We prioritize your experience and aim to provide prompt solutions to ensure your transactions go smoothly.
Flexiload Services
Al Ayat Exchange offers Flexiload services, enabling you to easily recharge mobile phone accounts in Bangladesh. This convenient feature allows you to instantly send mobile top-ups to your family and friends, ensuring they stay connected without the hassle.